"Always stalking for the truth"

I lied so much when I was younger, that when i discovered the power of truth, I started enjoying how uncomfortable truth made people feel...

martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

Bake! Bake! Bake!

I don't know what it is about baking that makes people so relaxed, its like been on a cloud for some time.

The fact of making something sweet, that you will most probably share with those whom you love, is comforting and gives us a warm cozy sensation.

Even though baking looks sweet delicious and harmless it has a very dark side! as a matter of fact it has 2 dark sides. First of all baking is the best way to hide depression, its a drug that takes you from "Hell Land" to "Happy Land" all the sweet, the colour... And second but not least important, YOU GET FAT! Every little thing you make you try it which is pretty dangerous if you're on a diet!

So! Bake till you faint! So you won't gain weight!


lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

Rain drops falling on my head!

Love has an unbelievable power over us. Love makes us break the limits, makes us loose our logic! Because if LOVE is one thing! Logical,  is almost one of the things that love CAN NOT BE!

So, here comes the story (actually right now is raining so hard I can hardly concentrate, my tights are soaking wet). I'm walking on the street under this amazing "stick of water" (palo de agua, venezuelan expression referring to; "Its raining cats and dogs" or "A fucking lot!") After more or less 15 min of walking and been completely abducted by BlackBerry World, I reach to a street in NeverLand Town!  "A stick of water" starts to fall! So here  I am, locked up outside on the street! Under the rain! At a strangers door! WTF am I doing here! People start looking at me, very weird after they notice that I've been standing for more then an hour at the same door!  And then I remember, its all caused by that illogical part that "Love" has! And that Makes us do completely ridiculous things. And when I say ridiculous! I mean it very badly! Like pretty much the whole story!

I would not call it love, but more the obsession of having the unreachable!

viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010

Edipo & Electra

Creo que todos estamos familiarizados con el "Complejo de Edipo", de no ser asi, agradecería que habran otra ventana y coloquen en el buscador lo que significa. (http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complejo_de_Edipo)

Lo mismo ocurre en la mujer y es denominado el "Complejo de Electra". El apego a nuestros padres o la falta de los mismos, crea este tipo de necesidad casi sórdida y compulsiva, de tener a "una figura" paterna o materna, a nuestro lado; Dicha necesidad hace que busquemos en nuestra pareja, un sustituto a nuestra carencia paterna o materna.

Desde los 16 años, me fijo y he tenido relaciones afectivas con personas que prácticamente me doblaban la edad, con el paso del tiempo es cada vez menor. La razón fue simplemente la carencia de una figura paterna en mi vida, lo cual me llevaba a buscar en mi pareja un apoyo, un hogar.

A medida he ido creciendo, me he dado cuenta que este tipo de relaciones no eran las más convenientes para mi, ya que se creaba una dependencia muy fuerte hacia mi pareja lo cual me perjudica en el desarrollo de "MI" como individuo.

Honestamente creo que Edipo & Electra debieron haberse conocido para apoyarse mutuamente, darse cuenta de sus complejos y vivir felices para siempre hasta que el divorcio los separe!

Ahora tenemos algo en lo que pensar; estamos con nuestra pareja (aunque yo sea "soltera") por...? que dependemos de ella? porque nos hace sentir en casa? porque nos da estabilidad? seguridad? ... o simplemente porque la amamos incondicionalmente y agradecemos que este en nuestra vida mientras tenga que estarlo.

martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

Holiday from Life

In NeverLand town (where i live) it can be pretty boring , even though that you can do what you want most of the times, if you are someone as ambitious and workaholic as me, your life can turn a little bit average and tasteless.

In the opposite case if you life IS interesting, but you are someone that gets bored quickly, as well as I do! then it's also the case...
Summarizing life in my case, has boring written everywhere, but it does not mean it is!

A month and 6 days ago, I decided to take a holiday! Away from my life and from everything I know... working as a stewardess on a SuperYacht! sounds weird and I can confirm you! It's totally insane!

For around 2 weeks I served an amazing sweet family from a Sheik in Saudi Arabia. I played Little Cinderella, working crazy slavery schedules, that I think didn't even existed during the Industrial revolution on the XIX century. I almost "fell in love" with a 16 year old boy, son of the Sheik. I changed silk Versace sheets, polished gold (not golden! GOLD) sinks, polished marble floors on my knees...

Which was all the opposite from what i was doing before (since I was just, working at a "normal" office job). The best gift of all in my job is until now, finishing and having a look at NeverLand Town from the water, looking at the ocean, smelling the fresh air (when it doesn't smells like poop!).

viernes, 23 de julio de 2010

Let's talk about style baby!

Ok! we all know that there are almost as many styles of dressing up as people! Everyone is unique in their own way, even though we all follow a certain "wave", to put it in words!

You can be anything you wanna be! BUT! You gotta be careful. Just think that you attract what you project, so if you project a tacky image, dirty... I think that's what you'll pretty much get!

Today while waiting at the bank I witnessed one of the horrors of the summer! I completely dislike this sandals in work-summer environment!

You cannot! Dress hippiesh to go to work! Unless is justified, like for example if you work at a certain clothing shop, organic restaurant, beach club....

Nowadays people dress so horribly to go to work! In most cities that I've been! What happened to the elegance of the 40's and 50's??


jueves, 22 de julio de 2010

Stand by girl!

Being a multi employed girl can be fun! If u have one boss, it sucks because most of the times, is a mean one! But if you have four bosses things can change!

You have four bosses with completely different qualities, so if one has something good, the other bad!

Now, the bad thing of this whole, working for, four different people is basically the fact of being a stand by girl!

Which means that I am always on stand by mode, until I'm needed by someone! And actually now that I start to think, the same kind of happens, with me and boys!


martes, 20 de julio de 2010

I have bought an engagement ring! (and proposed to a man)

It was New Year's eve 2007, I was working for and with my boyfriend, for about two years. Things between us two were amazing, even better and sweeter then a disney movie, or any other romantic movie that could exist.

We were almost the perfect couple, we even had a choreography that we created one nite at a bar, after a long day of skiing (for my first time) and winning playing pool! (yes I won! amazing)

"It was the most amazing love, we were like two drops of water"

So as beautiful as it looked, I decided to propose, not only for the fact of marriage, but more for eternal love, I knew he was going to be the only person in my whole life, that I would love so honestly and innocently, which only happens once in a lifetime.

Back to New Year's 2007 James Bond theme nite, I was freaking out I had "the ring" in my pocket all nite, didn't know what to do with it! or how to propose. Lucky for me I got intoxicated with oysters and ended up feeling horrible! Great excuse to go home.

Out, in the terrace of our house, in the night of New Years Eve 2007, I went on my knees and proposed to one of the most wonderful man that I would ever meet in my life, I had the honor to leave a women's proudness behind, and go on my knees to tell someone that I loved him.

"Because this world is no Fairy tale, and most times no happily ever after"

Things change, as people change. If one is not willing or prepared to work for a relationship, things don't make sense. Is not enough just to love, there needs to be an effort of both parts in order to "stay together, for ever". In other words, it didn't work.

I present you, "the ring"!

lunes, 19 de julio de 2010

Be careful what you facebook!

We've all dreamed of the ultimate social engine to appear. How great would it be to have all your family, friends, business contacts, flings... anything! All together a click away. Facebook! finally our dreams have become true... but you know the saying!

"Be careful what you wish for"

Facebook has already been in our lives for more than a couple of years, we are more then accustomed to it. Well some of us, at least. Still a toddler is able to create love, business, friendship, work, fights, art... everything you can imagine!

But! besides all the miracles that facebook can create, there is also a dark side... The addiction to spying on people all day, everyday! For sure you've seen someone on the street and said to him/her I know you! Well if you haven't, i have! I even got tagged by my roommate, in a picture on facebook, that some turist took of me while i was working! How freaky is that! what would have happen, if i'd been pulling my string out of my but cheeks! Come on!


lunes, 12 de julio de 2010

Hard to be Gay!

To be fair is complicated to be heterosexual! We have so much to learn regarding communication, when it comes to relationships! or even friendships! Ok once you've felt the hardness of been hetero, think GAY! Ouch!

Why? you might think! well, there are so many buts in GayWorld; passive or active? affair or relationship? out of the closet or still affraid of coming out? Even when it comes to what they wear

For all of you hetero people, when you're just about to criticize a gay person "Think before you react" gays could appear hormonal and hysterical just as women do! but is twice harder to be gay then not to! so actually is a very brave thing to do!

Love all my gay boys! and girlz! thank you for making the world more dramatic, beautiful, fun...

jueves, 8 de julio de 2010


Like any other day, I'm walking down the street, keeping one foot behing the other just like one of thoose models in the catwalk, while I feel the summery breeze through my hair and blouse. My skirt says "I want you!" as my blazer demands respect.
People steare at me, drinking my favourite Frappuccino, as I glance each one into their eyes. In my bag a MacBookPro and ocasionally the clothes to my gym make me feel empowered. The song that's playing in my ipod Woohoo, gives me the right cheeky smile. I get to work and thank God, my Blackberry is my best friend! How could i get bored with everything right at the palm of my hand?
"Suited up, nice shoes, sweet scented, starbucks in hand and all the propper tech I need to survive!"
How could we call this new life style, even better our selves! What are we? Hey, question! how are we gonna turn out to be!? I feel naked or even worse, when I go out to the street and I don't have my BlackBerry and at least money enough to get a Starbucks! Please don't get me wrong and think I'm a superficial biatch! I think I'm just Techalicious! Ambicious of more and more things that make our life more easy and enjoyable.

miércoles, 7 de julio de 2010

Lubrication is the Key! Get me wet!

Is great to have sex and get as a souvenir some love injuries afterwards; Not excessively but every now and then, girls like some passion in the game. Having bruises, scratches, sometimes even hickeys (even though I dislike them very, very much) can be lots of fun. Except for one thing, bladder infection! An enormous percentage of women, have no idea why they get this type of infection! The reason, is the lack of lubrication during sex. Apparently, if you are not well lubricated, the friction during intercourse (i love that word by the way) can cause small wounds in the inside of your vagina. Sometimes even though you may think you are lubricated you aren't; What I mean to say with this, is that, it doesn't necessarily need to hurt in order for you to think that you could be getting an infection for not being "wet".

So now that we know the cause of the problem, a solution has to be exposed! well my first advice is that your guy should go down more often! Foreplay is important! Girls don't have se same sexual appetite, we might wanna have sex! but we are not as horny as guys normally are. Another useful tip is the use of lubricant, is the key! Some brands are not amazing, but KY (Johnson & Johnson's), AquaGlide. This two are maybe more average and maybe bor
ing. If you are more into maybe adding more spice during sex, you might wanna try flavored lubricants. After a long tasting of flavored lubricants with a girlfriend at a sex shop, we ended up concluding that Cherry flavor (I like Durex play, cherry flavored) is definitely the best one, all the rest are pretty horrible! There are also cold and warm feeling lubricants, so you should go and try all! you'll have fun and most important of all; You won't get an infection.

Another good tip is to go and pee, after you finished having sex! it cleanses the urinary tract. If you get a bladder or urinary infection, there are a lot of things that you can do in order to get rid of it in a "natural" way. Drinking a lot of water is important, also a must have in women weekly diet is Cranberry Juice! which has amazing results healing this sort of infections, this is, if you haven't reached a critical level. If that is you situation please go to the doctor!

Blame it on the Alochol! (I don't fit my dress)

Many of us girls and boys, struggle everyday trying to look as slim as possible! Getting a top ten body is not an easy task! fitting your clothes properly, is not an easy task!
We live never ending diets, because one way or another none of them seem to work. How many of us have tried, the diet with no carbs, pineapple diet, South Beach Diet, syrup diet, eating exclusively raw food... and I could go on like this for at least 500 words more of the blog.
However, there is one thing that we don't take in consideration while we challenge our body into this crazy diets. The answer is Alcohol! sadly but gladly, it is! So today we are blaming our bloated
bodies to the fact of our alcohol intake. Imagine that only a small beer has 150 cal., not that I'm much of a freak when it comes to counting calories, but is a good "graphic" way to take in consideration the amount of crap that we put in our body.
I've experienced weight loss myself, when I cut my average alcohol intake. How? When? Well, as an experienced Cocktail shaker, for over five years now, when I started in that profession I would try every single cocktail I'd make (why wouldn't I?). That made me gain a whole size! Nowadays I try my best on limiting myself with how much I drink per week and what! For example, is not the same having a Jack&Coke, then a Jack&DietCoke! to have an Amaretto or a Whiskey! Urban Legends certify that Scotch Whiskey (since our friend Jack, has quite some more sugar) has less calories then other alcohol drinks. So my suggestion is have Scotch&Soda or Scotch on the Rocks! another option is to have Vodka&Lime+SodaWater, but is more for girly posh type of girl! Regarding cocktails is more complicated since most of them have sugar, syrups and mixes of juice and alcohol. My suggestion on this one is DryMartini or Bloodymary!
So, next time you go out an order a drink and cheer, think about how amazingly you wanna look in that new dress! and how much weight you don't wanna gain!

martes, 6 de julio de 2010

Good Girl, Bad Girl!

When it comes to behavior regarding human interaction (relationships) , we have to admit that is quite complicated to guess which is the best "Girl" to be. Should we be good? bad? or what? some of us have no freaking clue.
Even though this dilemma takes a lot of time from our daily life, we all know the answer is amazingly obvious and simple!
Balance, yes I know! why? how? when? with who? in order to give an answer to this questions I'm going to put the easiest
example. Fishing! nothing in extreme is good, relationships need huge doses of patience, which is the exact same things that happens when u go fishing. First you need to make the fish attracted to the hook, then, when you finally have it hooked up! you need to bring it close to the boat with "pulling and letting go". Translating this to our dilemma, Good vs. Bad means, being booth is good in their right measure. How to know, how good or bad to be is just a matter of experience.
Now, I bet you're wondering how to gain this experience! simple, well
kind of! First of all as I mentioned before patience is extremely important. You need to enter someone's life little by little, so don't run and send millions of sms, or facebook messages. In the other hand if you've sent two signals and the person you like does not respond, forget about it! please! you always need to have in mind how much you are worth in order not to play "the pathetic good girl roll".
I think the best motto for this case would be: "Give without exp
ecting, but never give foolishly and endlessly"

Kat's Revenge